Couples Therapy Couples therapy can be helpful to partners struggling
with any aspect of their relationship.
Our clinicians welcome all types of couples —
married, dating, or engaged heterosexual or same-sex —
and at any stage of their relationships.
Lindsey Hoskins & Associates
Curiosity is Key

Curiosity is Key

These past few months of 2020 have been weighing heavily on our world and our society, and we find ourselves with a great opportunity to explore the discomfort that has

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The Retelling

The Retelling

I have always loved books. My favorites are those with an unexpected twist of events. I do love fairy tales but not necessarily the standard simplified good versus evil where

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“Serenity now!”

“Serenity now!”

“Serenity now!” That has been the ongoing quarantine joke at our house (my husband enjoys watching old Seinfeld episodes). My husband and I tend to use humor as a coping

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As we are all aware, this current season is difficult in many ways for each of us. Perhaps you or someone in your family has or has had COVID-19; maybe

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We are two months into the new year; how are you doing with your New Year’s resolutions? Maybe you don’t make resolutions, or maybe you make resolutions and find yourself

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