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If you have been involved in a car collision, one of your biggest challenges will likely be your physical recovery. However, you may also be impacted mentally and emotionally. Especially in the case of a car accident being particularly frightening or traumatizing, you may need outlets for expressing your emotions. Sometimes people forget about mental symptoms following a car crash, and should be part of the treatment process.

What Should I Expect Mentally Following a Car Crash?

Many people can struggle emotionally or mentally after a car crash. It is important to seek help from friends, family or a health professional. It does not matter which part of the crash you were involved in (whether the driver, passenger or a witness), it can have emotional impacts on our bodies. Witnessing or enduring pain can have similar mental consequences. Many people can recover from car accident anxiety fairly quickly, while others may take longer to process the event. It all depends on the individual, and there is no wrong response. It all depends on your body and how you view the event.

What are Some Symptoms of Stress or Anxiety After an Accident?

Common symptoms associated with stress or anxiety include excessive worrying, high level of activity, irritability, inability to relax, restless sleep, lack of energy, trouble concentrating, anger, confusion, helplessness or feeling out-of-control. Anxiety can also make someone feel unsociable and change personal relationships.

Will a Doctor Automatically Evaluate My Mental Health After a Collision?

During the physical exam, your doctor may or may not ask how you are feeling mentally after a car accident. Many doctors may only focus on your physical wellness, to ensure there are no life-threatening conditions. Since that is their focus, they can easily forget to ask about your mind. It is encouraged to bring up if you are feeling distressed or anxious due to the car accident. Your doctor can give you resources for finding help.

What Can I Do To Look After Myself?

There are tips for taking care of mental health following a car collision, regardless of the severity of the accident. They are listed below:

  1. Give yourself plenty of time. Healing doesn’t happen overnight. Anxiety, stress and other difficult feelings are normal during this time.
  2. Talk to someone about the crash. You can turn to a friend, family member or even a therapist to express how you are feeling. Talking about a stressful event outloud can help with the healing process.
  3. Do not neglect yourself. Take care of you through healthy eating habits, exercising and doing hobbies you enjoy. Get plenty of sleep and try to avoid excess use of drugs or alcohol, as it can numb your emotions in the moment, but can be felt more intensely later on.

When Should I Find Help?

You should seek professional help if your mental or emotional symptoms start to worry you, are preventing you from participating in regular activities, are lasting longer than three months after the event, and family or friends are expressing being worried about you. In the event you feel that you need legal support, do not hesitate to contact personal injury lawyer Lakeland, FL for professional advice and counseling.

Thank you to David and Philpot Personal Injury Law for providing the key insight on the mental battles after a car accident