Pre Marriage Counseling Great Falls VA 
Couples Counseling FAQ: Does couples counseling actually work?
The decision to enter pre marriage counseling in Great Falls, VA is not one that is typically made overnight. It is usually a decision made by a couple who is about to enter into a marriage that is looking to strengthen their relationship in a healthy and constructive way. Pre marriage counseling may help couples to identify the weaknesses in their relationship and address them before they become larger issues. Regardless of what your reasons might be to seek out pre marriage counseling, you want to know: Does couples counseling at Lindsey Hoskins & Associates actually work?
Does couples counseling actually work?
Pre marriage counseling at its core is a type of counseling that involves a therapist and a couple about to embark on the journey of marriage. Together they will work to identify, discuss, explore, and ideally resolve various issues that have arose in the relationship and identify the likes, dislikes, potential problems, effective communication skills, and more that can occur in the relationship.
Part of couples counseling involves what is working, and with this discovery, build upon the good that already exists. Couples counseling is very much focused on goals and solutions.
What Couples Counseling Is Not
Sometimes people believe that couples counseling is a place where one person can point out the flaws of the other. Others might think that it offers the opportunity to yell at their partner. This is not correct. While you might feel angry or upset with your partner’s behavior, it is important to remember that Great Falls, VA pre marriage counseling is all about healing, growing, and building – it is not about insulting or punishing.
Tips for Couples Counseling
Both people should agree to counseling – In general couples counseling only works when both people are emotionally invested. If either person feels forced or is surprised with a session that was never discussed, distrust and other problems could result. If your partner is not interested, you might still consider counseling for yourself.
Explore your goals – It is a good idea to identify basic goals with your partner prior to beginning pre marriage counseling in Great Falls, Virginia. An example of a goal might be to improve open discussions, decrease fighting, or become more intimate with one another. At this point your goals don’t have to be detailed, but there should be something that both of you want to make better or explore together.
Choose a qualified therapist – Every therapist at Lindsey Hoskins & Associates is qualified and has their own techniques, which is why it’s important to take some time to talk with different therapists before scheduling an appointment.
Does couples counseling actually work?
Pre marriage counseling in Great Falls, VA requires both people to be actively involved, open to feedback, and ready for healthy changes and feedback. Many couples benefit from counseling, some relationships that were seen as being a failure were transformed into a new beginning.
If you would like to discuss pre marriage counseling Great Falls, VA trusts, please call Lindsey Hoskins & Associates today to schedule a 15 minute consultation. If you are looking for pre marriage counseling Great Falls, VA trusts, please call our offices at 703-951-6409 to schedule an appointment today. We proudly offer a variety of hours including appointments on the weekends and in the evenings. Our clinicians are looking forward to your call!
Client Review
“Dr. Hoskins and her team have been nothing short of a Godsend for my family and I. Always patient, always ready to help however she can. Her assistance has been a cornerstone in our surviving one of the worst tragedies imagineable for a family to bear.”
Rod S.