Couples Therapy Couples therapy can be helpful to partners struggling
with any aspect of their relationship.
Our clinicians welcome all types of couples —
married, dating, or engaged heterosexual or same-sex —
and at any stage of their relationships.
Lindsey Hoskins & Associates

Individual Therapy Sterling VA

September has officially arrived, and with it come all the great things about fall… the kids are back in school, the leaves are starting to change, and life feels a little more structured and predictable than it did during the summer. For some, this can feel a bit dull; but I’m here to suggest that the arrival of autumn provides a perfect opportunity to infuse a little bit of romance into your relationship. Here are some ideas:

  • Meet for a lunch date. Now that the kids are safely ensconced in school all week, see if you can find time a couple times a month (or even weekly, if your schedule allows!) to meet your partner for a private lunch during the week. Here’s your chance to spend some time together during the workday, away from the office and without your kids.
  • Invest in some “me” time. Taking time for yourself can have a huge impact on the capacity for romance in your relationship. Feeling happy and fulfilled as an individual is a crucial ingredient for relationship health! Can you find some time this fall to recommit to a yoga or kickboxing class, schedule a regular date with a friend, or take up a new hobby? Give it a try, and see how your relationship grows.
  • Turn your gripes into a to-do list. What are the little things that bother you about your partner? Is he not romantic enough, do you not feel appreciated, does she not initiate enough affection? Try turning the focus on yourself and think about how you could do better at those things. Spend a week really focusing on meeting that need for your partner, and I’m willing to bet that the energy comes back to you in spades.
  • Be leaf peepers. Choose a weekend this fall to plan a getaway with your sweetie (kids too if you want!). Find a great campground or B&B in a cute little town in the mountains, make a reservation at a great restaurant, and just spend the weekend out of your normal routine together. Novelty is so powerful in relationships!
  • Embrace nostalgia. Know what feels great on a rainy fall afternoon? Cuddling up on the couch with a cup of hot cocoa and sharing old memories over an album full of pictures of the two of you together. Surprise your partner by getting pictures, a cozy blanket, and a playlist of great songs together, and wait for the forecast to cooperate.
  • Learn something new together. Sharing new experiences is a super energizing thing for relationships, and something we tend to do really well at the beginning… but then forget about later on. Physically challenging activities are especially powerful. Some ideas: indoor skydiving, rock-climbing, zip-lining, or an adults-only night at a local trampoline gym. Have fun together and see what develops!

Lindsey Hoskins, PhD, LCMFT provides couple, family, and individual therapy in both the Bethesda, MD and Sterling, VA offices. Call 703-951-6409 or email her today to set up your first appointment or a complimentary telephone consultation!