Couples Therapy Couples therapy can be helpful to partners struggling
with any aspect of their relationship.
Our clinicians welcome all types of couples —
married, dating, or engaged heterosexual or same-sex —
and at any stage of their relationships.
Lindsey Hoskins & Associates
Moving and Grooving

Moving and Grooving

For many couples, the transition of moving in together can a stressful phase of a relationship. Although this kind of move can be an exciting time, there are a couple

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Take a Deeper Breath

Take a Deeper Breath

We learn in therapy how to recognize that instinctual moment when our systems kick into high gear–often referred to as the “fight or flight” moment. Then we do everything we

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Boundaries Create Deep and Meaningful Relationships “An intimate relationship is one in which neither party silences, sacrifices, or betrays the self.  Each party expresses strength and vulnerability, weakness and competence

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