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There are many reasons why a person decides to begin therapy. One of the more common reasons is because they have experienced a traumatic event, such as a motor vehicle accident.

Millions of people are involved in vehicle crashes each year. Many suffer serious and catastrophic injuries in these crashes. But studies show that even car accidents which could be classified as minor can leave a victim dealing with the emotional aftermath from the crash. Some of the more common emotions accident victims experience include:

  • Anger
  • Disbelief the crash occurred
  • Fear
  • Guilt
  • Nervousness
  • Shock
  • Uneasiness
  • Worry

In addition to these feelings, victims often replay the crash multiple times in their mind, going over all the details and basically reliving the experience over and over again. It can get to the point where these thoughts and feelings begin to affect the victim’s life.

How do you distinguish between the normal emotional process victims go through after a crash and troubling ones?

For many people, these strong emotions eventually fade away, but for others, these feelings remain. In fact, they often grow even more intense as time goes on and begin to affect the way a person acts, thinks, and lives their day-to-day life. It is not uncommon for these victim to develop post-traumatic stress syndrome (PTSD).

What are the symptoms of PTSD?

  • A constant and ongoing feeling of uneasiness
  • Anger
  • Anxiety about driving or even riding in a vehicle
  • Avoiding or refusing to have any medical procedures done
  • Constant memories of the crash that you are unable to stop
  • Excessive worry
  • Feelings that you just cannot connect emotionally with people or to events.
  • Insomnia
  • Irritability
  • Nightmares

Are there risk factors that make some victims more susceptible to developing PTSD?

Yes, there are definite risk factors that can contribute to a victim’s chances that they will begin to suffer from PTSD, such as:

  •        If the victim has experienced a traumatic event in the past, such as an assault, rape, or another car crash.
  •        If the victim was already suffering from some other emotional issue, such as anxiety, depression, or other mental disorder.
  •        If another victim was hurt or killed in the crash.
  •        If the victim suffered life-threatening injuries
  •        If the victim does not have a strong support system.

Are there other emotional issues a vehicle accident can trigger?

Depression and anxiety are also common emotional issues that victims of car accidents can develop. Signs that this may be happening include:

  •        The victim has difficulty sleeping or eating.
  •        The victim does not begin to feel better even as time passes
  •        The victim’s emotions begins to cause problems with their daily life.
  •        The victim begins to start using alcohol or drugs to cope with their feelings.
  •        The victim thinks about hurting themselves or others.

If you have been in a car crash and is experiencing any of these symptoms, a therapist can help you work through those emotions and begin the healing process. Talking about the details of the crash and through all the emotions you are feeling about the accident can finally get you on that road to a full recovery. Contact an experienced car accident lawyer Lakeland, FL to ensure that you are receiving the compensation you need after a car accident.

Thank you to the Dave & Philpot P.L Personal Injury at Law for providing insight on the benefits of therapy for car crash victims.