Couples Therapy Couples therapy can be helpful to partners struggling
with any aspect of their relationship.
Our clinicians welcome all types of couples —
married, dating, or engaged heterosexual or same-sex —
and at any stage of their relationships.
Lindsey Hoskins & Associates

Marriage Counselors in Sterling, VA

Marriage Counselors in Sterling VAPeople attend marriage counseling to better their relationships. There are ten common reasons to seek a marriage counselor like the counselors available at Lindsey Hoskins & Associates.

Some of those reasons are:
Communication issues
Premarital counseling
Sexual issues
Infidelity and unfaithfulness
Help managing other relationships
Nontraditional relationships
Blended families
The end of a relationship
Digital-age issues
Trust issues

What Does Communication Have To Do With Marriage?
Communication is the cornerstone of a marriage. If you can’t communicate, things won’t go very well. There are many forms of communication, such as in-person, phone, text and social media. However, if you don’t know how to utilize your thoughts productively, no form of communication will help you. Counseling can help you realize the best way to communicate to your partner.

What Is Premarital Counseling?
Couples don’t know everything about one another, especially when they’re engaged. Premarital counseling can help couples decide how their family unit is run, who handles financials and much more. This can stop a lot of fights down the road, especially with a therapist who can give advice and mediate.

How Can Counseling Help Sexual Issues?
Sex can heal couples, but it can also be an issue. There’s anxiety, embarrassment, anger and even hurt. Human sexuality is complex and often changes, what label you use is determined by how you feel about your sexual identity.

Some common sexual issues that counseling can help are:
Body image issues
Trust issues
Physical issues such as bowel or urinary issues
Medication side-effects
If your love life is suffering, Lindsey Hoskins & Associates may be able to help.

Can Counseling Help Infidelity Issues?
Infidelity is known by many names, most often adultery. This is when a partner in a relationship cheats by seeing other people without permission from their spouse. This does not mean the relationship is over, but it can heavily damage a relationship and create trust issues, among other things. Counseling can help you heal your relationship with your partner and figure out why they were unfaithful in the first place.

Seek marriage counselors in Sterling VA today, to heal your relationship after infidelity has been committed.

What Are Nontraditional Relationships?
Romantic relationships are not only for two people, in fact there are many types of relationships that counseling can be helpful for.

Some examples of nontraditional relationships are:
Open relationships
Or any combination of the above

Nontraditional relationships come with a lot of trial-and-error, and the counselors at Lindsey Hoskins & Associates can help you and your loved one’s work through those trials together. If your relationship needs help, seek the help of marriage counselors in Sterling VA today, such as Lindsey Hoskins and her associates.

Never be afraid to ask for help, the right kind of help can save a relationship, can heal a marriage, and can make life easier for everyone that’s involved. Lindsey Hoskins & Associates are marriage counselors in Sterling VA that are ready to help you.