Couples Therapy Couples therapy can be helpful to partners struggling
with any aspect of their relationship.
Our clinicians welcome all types of couples —
married, dating, or engaged heterosexual or same-sex —
and at any stage of their relationships.
Lindsey Hoskins & Associates

At Lindsey Hoskins and Associate, we understand that trying to find a couples therapist Sterling VA couples can trust may be a challenging task. There are so many therapists out there, that you may wonder how to find the right one. Sometimes, you just have to listen to your gut and try one out. The therapists at our office are friendly, professional, and are the kind of people you can confide in. If you want to hear more about our pricing and next availability for a couple’s session, feel free to call us today!

If the idea of starting therapy sounds a bit nerve-wracking, you aren’t alone. Many first-time therapy attenders get nervous before their session. This is normal, and it can help lessen your anxiety by taking proactive steps to get ready for it. Here are some tips that can help you relax and get the most out of your couples counseling:

Acknowledge You Are Taking a Leap of Faith
Meeting a therapist for a couple’s counseling session takes courage from both partners. Talking with someone you don’t know and sharing your innermost world with them is surely for the brave. You may have questions running through your mind about how things will unfold and what the experience will be like, but that is perfectly okay. It’s important that you acknowledge this leap of faith you are taking and should celebrate that.

Don’t Hesitate to Ask Questions
We would actually be surprised to hear that you don’t have any questions about therapy, especially if you are new to the process. Please don’t shy away from inquiring with us about something that is on your mind. By getting your questions answered, it lessens any anxiety and gets you ready for the session. We encourage people who are trying to find a couples therapist in Sterling, Virginia to get their questions answered over the phone or through email when booking their session.

There is Comfort in Confidentiality
Just like your doctor or other healthcare professional, everything remains confidential. Therapists are bound by federal privacy regulations, and are not allowed to release details about you or your partner to anyone else without permission. We do have to say that the only exception would be if your therapist suspects that you may harm yourself or others. If that were to be the case, then authorities have to be notified. But otherwise, take comfort in knowing that what you share will stay within the walls of your couples counseling session.

Contact Lindsey Hoskins & Associates Today
If you and your partner are thinking about scheduling a therapy session, we would say to go with it and try it out. We pride ourselves on providing a safe space where couples can talk about issues or other topics that are important to them. We hope that your search to find a Sterling, VA couples therapist stops here, and that you are ready to call Lindsey Hoskins & Associates today to reserve your first therapy session!

What Is Couples Therapy and How Does It Work?

Many couples try to find a Sterling, VA couples therapist no matter which stage of a relationship they are in. Couples therapy, also known as marriage or relationship counseling, is a specialized form of therapy designed to help couples address and resolve issues within their relationship. When you need help, call the trusted team at Lindsey Hoskins & Associates.

What Should We Expect During the First Session?

The first couples therapy session, often referred to as the intake session, is crucial for both you and the therapist. It is an opportunity to establish rapport and determine the direction of therapy. You and your partner will have the chance to share your perspectives on the issues you’re facing, and the therapist will listen actively, without taking sides or making judgments.
Expect the therapist to ask questions about your relationship history, including how you met, major milestones, and any significant events or changes in the relationship. They may inquire about your individual backgrounds, family dynamics, and personal histories, as these factors can play a role in relationship dynamics.

Is Couples Therapy Only for Troubled Relationships?

No, couples therapy is not exclusively for troubled relationships. While many couples seek therapy when they are facing significant challenges, therapy can also be beneficial for couples who want to strengthen their relationship, improve communication, or address specific concerns before they escalate into more significant problems. Couples therapy can serve as a proactive tool to enhance intimacy, resolve conflicts more effectively, and build a healthier foundation for your relationship.

Will We Receive Homework or Assignments Between Sessions?

It’s possible that your therapist may suggest homework or assignments between sessions. These assignments are designed to help you and your partner practice the skills and strategies learned during therapy. They can include communication exercises, journaling, or specific actions to take in your daily life. Completing these assignments can be an essential part of making progress in therapy, as they provide opportunities to apply what you’ve learned in real-life situations. When you want to find a Sterling couples therapist, it is important to understand what you can expect after your appointments.

How Long Will Couples Therapy Take, and Will It Save Our Relationship?

The duration of couples therapy varies depending on the complexity of the issues you’re facing, your goals, and your progress. Some couples find significant improvement in just a few sessions, while others may need longer-term therapy to address deeply rooted issues. It’s essential to approach therapy with realistic expectations and understand that change takes time.

Whether couples therapy can save your relationship depends on numerous factors, including your commitment to the process, your willingness to make changes, and the extent of the issues you’re dealing with. Therapy can provide valuable tools and insights, but the outcome ultimately depends on the effort both partners invest in making positive changes.

Your first couples therapy session is a critical step in addressing relationship challenges or enhancing the quality of your partnership. It’s a collaborative process where you and your partner, along with the therapist, work together to achieve your relationship goals. Remember that therapy is a confidential and supportive space where you can explore your concerns, improve communication, and build a stronger, more satisfying relationship. For help when you want to find a Sterling couples therapist, reach out to the trusted team at Lindsey Hoskins & Associates.