Couples Therapy Couples therapy can be helpful to partners struggling
with any aspect of their relationship.
Our clinicians welcome all types of couples —
married, dating, or engaged heterosexual or same-sex —
and at any stage of their relationships.
Lindsey Hoskins & Associates

Therapist Tysons Corner VA

Find Marriage Counselors in Sterling, VA

At Lindsey Hoskins & Associates, we’re proud to provide our local clients with various unique therapy, wedding officiant, and relationship counseling Tysons Corner VA residents are looking for. Reaching out for assistance isn’t always easy when the issue is such a personal matter, and our entire team understands this. It’s important for us to make sure that our local Tysons Corner clients feel comfortable and confident when seeking assistance from us.

You might be interested in contacting Lindsey Hoskins & Associates if…

You are looking for a personal therapist.

Personal therapy can be one of the most rewarding and beneficial things you can do for yourself. Just as it’s important to take care of your physical health, it’s important to look after your psychological and emotional health, too! At Lindsey Hoskins & Associates, one of our primary services is providing clients with a therapist Tysons Corner VA residents trust.
There are many ways that an individual therapist can help you examine areas of your life that need improvement — or maybe learn to love the imperfections! There is no single reason why clients search for a therapist Tysons Corner VA has to offer. Our clinicians welcome all prospective patients who are interested in building a more successful and fulfilling life. Some of the most critical issues that can be discussed in individual therapy sessions include:

-Managing mental health conditions, such as depression, anxiety, PTSD, or bipolar disorder
-Assistance when making major life decisions
-Stability and reassurance during major transitions
-Constructive input on how to make positive changes
-Assistance during times of grief
-Assistance in sorting out relationship problems

Your family is going through a tough time, and you are searching for a trusted provider of family counseling Tysons Corner VA residents can rely on.

Families often experience difficulties over the years, and there is no shame in seeking assistance for family or relationship counseling Tysons Corner VA can provide. Counseling sessions that involve several family members can be incredibly effective for relatives who have trouble verbalizing their emotions, intentions, or disagreements. By providing a safe environment to air grievances, a trained family counseling Tysons Corner VA residents trust can help families cope with issues such as:

-Substance abuse
-Physical, verbal, or emotional abuse
-Mental illnesses
-Major changes, such as a child graduating or a parent receiving a new job
-Periods of grief after a loved one has passed

Even when disputes involve young children, a trained family counselor may help the entire family relate to each other and move forward in a positive way. While you certainly can’t choose your family, at Lindsey Hoskins & Associates, we believe that it is possible to change the way you interact with your family — for the better.

You and your spouse are having a hard time connecting with each other, and you’re seeking marriage counseling Tysons Corner VA has to offer or couples therapy Tysons Corner VA residents recommend.

Even though it’s not discussed openly very often, you might be surprised to find out that many couples are looking for couples therapy Tysons Corner VA can provide. It is very normal for couples to experience problems in their relationships — regardless of whether they’ve been dating for two years or married for 20 years. At Lindsey Hoskins & Associates, we understand how important it is to provide couples counseling Tysons Corner VA residents can trust.

It may also benefit couples who are recently engaged to search for a clinic offering pre-marriage counseling Tysons Corner VA couples depend on. The decision to get married is certainly a big one to make. If you or your spouse are feeling a bit hesitant or nervous about making such a major commitment, there is nothing wrong with seeking guidance from a local therapist who can provide pre marriage counseling Tysons Corner VA trusts. At Lindsey Hoskins & Associates, we provide our clients with guidance based on the PREPARE/ENRICH program developed by Dr. David Olsen. This program offers several strategies and tools that can help couples approach and solve complex issues — before these issues become too deep to repair. Learn about What Is the Difference Between Clinical

Psychologist and a Mental Health Therapist?

You want to plan a unique wedding ceremony Tysons Corner VA has never seen before with a compassionate ceremony officiant Tysons Corner VA can provide.

In addition to providing pre-marriage counseling Tysons Corner VA couples can trust, our team of experienced clinicians can also offer various services to create a custom wedding ceremony Tysons Corner VA couples are looking for. Lindsey Hoskins and Cara Nazareth are both registered as ceremony officiants that Tysons Corner VA couples may hire.

Our office specializes in providing a wide range of services to craft a unique wedding ceremony for couples. We can provide up to two hours of pre-wedding planning and can coordinate rehearsals for the perfect ceremony.

There are many ways to create a custom wedding ceremony that Tysons Corner VA guests will remember for years to come, and our team is excited to help clients plan for such a big day. We can handle the stressful details of the marriage ceremony — right down to submitting the marriage license to the appropriate court — so that you and your guests can focus on the celebrations. Our team is more than happy to schedule free consultations to talk with Lindsey Hoskins or Cara Nazareth about planning an officiant wedding ceremony.

3 Ways to Aid Healing After Trauma

When families or couples experience trauma, there is no right or wrong reaction. Each member of the family will process trauma differently. A therapist in Tysons Corner VA can help you and your family move through the difficult challenges that may arise following a painful event. Keep reading to learn 3 ways you can aid the healing process following a trauma.
Turn Off Judgment
There is no right or wrong way to heal. It is very important that all members of the family remember that each person will process the trauma differently. Some people want to talk about the events while others want to process them quietly. Some members may be very angry while others are simply sad. One of the best ways for families to better understand each other and support each other during the healing process is to talk with a knowledgeable therapist in Tysons Corner VA. A professional will be able to help each member of the family process their trauma in the way that is best for them.
Be Gentle With Time And Obligations
Although you and your family may feel pressure to jump right back into regular life following a trauma, it is very important to remember that your mind and even your body needs time to process. Depending on the severity of the event, your family may need a break from time-consuming or energy-consuming obligations for a while. This may look like taking time off work or allowing your children to take a break from school. You can talk with a therapist in Tysons Corner VA about how much time and in what ways your family may need to be gentle with time and responsibilities.
Be Patient
There is no set timeline for healing from trauma. Some experiences may require less time than others, but only you and your family will know. If you incorporate therapy into your healing process, the therapist will be able to help you gauge how you are healing and how your family is recovering from the experience they have been through. Even if you and your family are not healing as quickly as you thought, continue to be patient. Slow healing is okay. The important thing is that everyone comes out on the other side of this experience happy and healthy. How long that takes is irrelevant.
A therapist in Tysons Corner VA can help you and your family through this difficult time.
therapist Tysons in Corner VA.

Contact Lindsey Hoskins & Associates Today

Our office is proud to provide a wide range of valuable and unique services to local residents. If you are interested in hearing more about any of these services, we encourage you to call our local office. Whether you and your spouse require couples therapy or if you’re beginning to plan out an officiant wedding ceremony, Lindsey Hoskins & Associates is ready to help you on your next journey.

Tysons Corner VA Therapist FAQ: How can I address and stop distress in a relationship?
So you swore to yourself you would fall back into the same argument patterns, albeit cycle, with your spouse only to find yourself down the exact path you confidently thought you would not tread on ever again. This is a common scenario among couples and is one of the leading reasons people choose to seek help with a therapist in Tysons Corner, VA. Couples counseling may be the right solution if you are tired of fighting and arguing with the very person you thought you would grow old with. To learn more, please call Lindsey Hoskins & Associates.

Tips to Reduce Distress During a Fight in a Relationship

During a fight, many things said in anger might not be true. Even if you might feel this way at the time of the argument, it does not mean you feel that way after. If you find yourself in an argument, try to consider the following:

Try to use “I” more than “you.” By doing so, you can avoid placing blame on the other person.
Accentuate positive things rather than negative. For instance, rather than saying, “You didn’t help me clean the house even though you know how hard I am working,” you might say, “I would appreciate it if you would help me clean up the house.”
Avoid using the words “never” and “always.” It’s very tempting to use these strong words, but rarely are they true.
Avoid condemnation, criticizing, going silent, or becoming defensive.

A majority of relationships will go through periods that are considerably more tempered than others. Make an effort to maintain your relationship by being invested and putting in the work – especially during vulnerable times.

Further Tips to Cease Your Distress In A Relationship
At couples counseling sessions, your therapist in Tysons Corner, VA, may provide you with a broad range of tools and techniques that you can use at home. Some of these may assist in alleviating relationship distress and could include:

Avoid Condemning the Person

Rather than condemning or criticizing your partner, try to talk about how you feel when a hurtful act is done.

Remain Compassionate for One Another

Create a nurturing environment that promotes caring and compassion. Small acts of kindness and tokens of appreciation will go a long way.

Make an Effort to Listen

Listening is vital to a healthy relationship. Regardless of what the situation might be, listen with attentiveness and interest. Not only will this let your partner know that you are interested, but it may also lead to new curiosities, questions, and good conversation.

Accept Rather than Blame

Blaming will never lead to a long-term resolution. Rather than finding your partner’s mistakes, try to accept them, learn from them, and move forward with grace.

Put Acknowledgment in Positive Things

Try as you might to see the negative things in your spouse; it is more conducive to a healthy relationship to focus on the positive things instead.

Hold Back Your Reactions

If you find yourself in a fight, make an effort not to react without thinking. Instead, constructively put your words together and express them in a calm, compassionate way. This can help to ease the tension, reflect on the situation, and encourage healthy dialogue.

Tysons Corner Therapist Infographic

therapy infographic

Let a Tysons Corner VA therapist Help

Are you interested in learning how a therapist Tysons Corner VA families recommend can work with you and your spouse? Call Lindsey Hoskins & Associates today.

What to Look for in a Therapist

If you’re thinking about seeing a therapist in Tysons Corner, VA, you might not know where to begin. There are a lot of different therapists, so choosing the right one can be tricky. Here are several qualities you should look for in a therapist.

Empathetic: If you seek therapy, you are likely struggling with your mental health in some way. Whether you’re dealing with grief or anger, it is crucial to work with a therapist who can put themselves in your shoes. Your therapist should make an effort to understand what you’re going through truly. This can strengthen your bond with your strength and help you feel more comfortable.
Communicative: A therapist should also possess excellent communication skills. They should be able to listen attentively to everything you have to say and clearly explain their thoughts to you.

Problem Solving Skills: A therapist may not be able to solve a patient’s problems automatically. However, a therapist should have problem-solving skills to effectively help patients identify the issues in their lives and work towards fixing them.

Reliable: It is also vital for a therapist to be reliable. When you’re struggling with your mental health, you count on your therapist to be there for you. They must always be on time for your sessions. If your therapist has to cancel an appointment, they should let you know well in advance.

Honest: While a therapist in Tysons Corner, VA, should understand your problems, they shouldn’t be afraid, to be honest. Your therapist needs to be truthful with you. If they sugarcoat everything and tell you what you want to hear, you won’t improve yourself.

Tolerant: During your counseling sessions, you may tell your therapist your deep and darkest secrets. These may be things that you haven’t told your closest friends or family members. That’s why a therapist must be tolerant. Even if what you tell your therapist goes against their beliefs, they shouldn’t pass judgment.

Patient: It may take you a while to truly open up to your therapist in Tysons Corner, VA. You may also have periods of regression. For this reason, a therapist should be patient.

Empowerment in the Face of Change

It is a common misconception that seeking therapy is only for people with mental health issues. In actuality, therapy is for everyone and can serve as an empowering resource for managing stress and conflict before, during, and after common life changes. Here are some examples of situations when a therapist in Tysons Corner, VA can offer you support.
Adoptive and Blended Families
Whether you and your partner are adopting your first child or bringing together children from previous relationships, changes to the family dynamic can disrupt effective routines and trigger identity confusion resulting in questions like:
“Is my role as a husband as important as my role as a father figure?”
“I’m not the oldest child anymore, will my younger siblings still look up to me?”
“Will my adopted child ever see me as her real mom?”
The therapists at Lindsey Hoskins & Associates are skilled in helping children and adults process these questions and work through any uncomfortable feelings that may arise when the family structure changes.
In some cases, a caregiver will assume the role after plenty of preparation, such as when an elderly parent begins to require assistance with transportation or medication. But in cases where a loved one is injured or ill, the caregiver may be thrust into the role unexpectedly and may not be prepared for the upheaval that comes along with it. No matter how you became a caregiver, the responsibility can feel as overwhelming as it is rewarding. Caregivers often experience feelings of isolation, helplessness, and guilt, which can lead to burnout. Remember that you can’t pour from an empty cup — call a therapist in Tysons Corner, VA if you need emotional support while managing your caregiving duties.
Employment Changes
Getting a new job or embarking on a career change is exciting but can trigger uncertainty as you adjust to new duties and expectations and a new workplace culture. If the new job required moving from a different region or country, assimilating to your new surroundings might be even more difficult. A therapist in Tysons Corner, VA can help you retain a sense of balance and stability as you get acclimated with your new environment, hours, colleagues, and career identity.

Life changes that bring uncertainty can also usher in adventure and joy. Talking to a therapist at Lindsey Hoskins & Associates can help you develop emotional intelligence and empower you to make the most of new opportunities.

5 Questions To Ask Your Prospective Therapist

When seeking out a new therapist in Tysons Corner, VA, there are several questions you should ask to make sure that he or she is a good match for your needs.
1. How would we evaluate my progress?
You and your therapist should work together to set objectives for your time in therapy. As you work with your therapist, these objectives can guide your sessions and help determine the success of your treatment. The results of your therapy should be measured so that you are aware of how it is working and how it can be adjusted if needed.
2. What is your training and experience in this field?
You need to have trust in your therapist’s ability to respond appropriately to your individual needs. Asking about his or her licenses and certifications can help you determine if your therapist has the experience required to assist you with your mental health. It’s also a good idea to ask about how long your therapist has worked in the field and the types of clients that he or she has worked with before.
3. What types of treatment do you offer?
There are many different types of therapy that a therapist in Tysons Corner, VA can offer. Some of these include psychodynamic therapy, cognitive behavioral therapy and humanistic therapy. Your therapist can help you to understand these different approaches and determine which may be a good option for you to pursue. The therapists at Lindsey Hoskins & Associates offer a variety of unique therapy and counseling options.
4. What would a normal session be like?
Having an idea of what you are walking into before your first session can help to reduce any discomfort or anxiety that you may be feeling when you start therapy. It can also prepare you to make the most of your sessions together.
5. How much does your therapy treatment cost?
If you are already struggling with your mental health, you don’t want to add more stress regarding the cost of therapy. You should ask your therapist to explain the cost of treatment and insurance options. Getting these practical details out of the way can clear your mind to work through your mental health issues.
At the end of the day, your therapist in Tysons Corner, VA should be someone that you trust and feel comfortable enough with to share personal details about your life. The trained therapists at Lindsey Hoskins & Associates welcome you if you are looking for an understanding treatment approach focused on helping you achieve a better quality of life.

Tysons Corner Therapy Statistics

According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, almost 42 million adults in the United States received treatment or counseling for their mental health within the past year. These treatments include inpatient or outpatient treatment or counseling, or the use of prescription medication.

FAQ: Answering Your Common Questions About Couples Therapy

Seeking a Tysons Corner, VA therapist for couples therapy is a difficult decision for many to make. Couples therapy takes serious commitment on all involved parties, and it will be vital that you ensure treatment from a clinician that you can trust. Couples therapy is an important decision, one that can have a profound impact on how you and your partner move forward. With help from Lindsey Hoskins & Associates, we can assist with your therapeutic needs and answer the many questions you have about what our services may look like.

What are some reasons my partner and I might consider couples therapy?

There are several reasons couples seek therapy together. It’s common knowledge that many couples wait a significant period to take action. However, there are many reasons that you might not want to wait, including:

-To improve intimacy
-To learn how to resolve conflict healthily
-You have experienced issues of infidelity
-You are planning to get married and want to build a strong foundation
-You are going through significant life changes

What can I expect of a couples therapy session?

When first stepping into therapy with your partner, it’s only natural to feel apprehensive over what you can expect from treatment. At your first couples therapy session, you can expect to spend time with our Tysons Corner, Virginia therapist meeting as a couple so that they can gain an understanding of why you seek therapy and your relationship dynamics. Expect that at times you may spend time one on one with a therapist as well. In addition, your therapist will also take time to discuss your goals both individually and as a couple with you so that you can begin building a treatment plan focused on your needs.

How long will my partner and myself be in therapy?

A typical therapy session will last anywhere from 60-90 minutes. When it comes to determining how many sessions therapy will require, this will largely depend upon the type of therapy. Most commitments for couples therapy are anywhere from 12-16 sessions.

How can I ensure that our therapist won’t take sides?

It’s a common concern of couples that a therapist will side with the other person. However, it’s essential to know that with a good therapist, they should never take sides. You should receive treatment that is both unbiased and supported.

Will my partner and I ever have 1:1 sessions with a therapist?

Yes- in most cases, you can expect to spend individual time with your couples therapist. At times it may make sense for this to ensure the growth of your relationship.

If my partner and I have a challenging session, should we speak about it at home?

Sometimes, couples may experience challenging sessions, and it may be challenging to figure out how to walk out of the session and continue moving forward. While you may discuss therapy at home, you must apply what you have learned in therapy.

Stepping into couples therapy can feel like a huge step. That’s because it is. By choosing therapy to rebuild and repair your relationship, you are taking a step in the right direction. Lindsey Hoskins & Associates offers experienced clinicians for couples who need to have their problems addressed and treated when they need it the most. Don’t wait any longer to start repairing your relationship. Call our Tysons Corner, VA therapist, to learn more about how we can help.

Therapist Tysons Corner VA

According to national statistics, every minute in this country, 20 people are abused by an intimate partner. This means that every year, there are approximately 10 million women and men who suffer harm from some harm of domestic abuse. Victims of domestic abuse are often left with deep emotional scars. If you live in Virginia and are a domestic abuse victim, a therapist in Tysons Corner VA can help you with your healing process.

What types of abuse can a therapist help a victim deal with?

There are several different forms of abuse that an abuser can inflict on a victim. Regardless of the type of abuse, a victim can suffer deep psychological issues and pain. Many victims struggle with anxiety, depression, flashbacks, post-traumatic stress syndrome (PTSD), and trust issues. They may have difficulty forming new relationships, fearing the same thing will happen with a new partner.

It is important to remember that although the physical injuries may have healed, the emotional ones will likely be around for a long time, especially if the victim tries to deal with their experiences on their own and without the help of a professional.

Some of the different types of abuse that each Tysons Corner VA therapist at our practice can help a victim deal with includes:

· Physical abuse
· Emotional abuse
· Sexual abuse
· Financial abuse

Can a therapist help with victims of other relationship dynamic abuse?

Although many of our patients who come to our practice for help are victim of domestic abuse, our therapists have also successfully worked with other types of abuse victims. Many of our patients are child abuse victims, at the hands of family members, friends, or trusted professionals. We also work with elder abuse victims and their families.

What are the long-term impacts of abuse?

No matter what form of abuse the victim suffered or who the perpetrator was, victims are often left with serious emotional issues long after the abuse has ended. Some of the more common issues are:

Even when the abuse is long over, the victim can still suffer serious emotional issues because of the abuse. Some of the more common types of mental health issues are:

· Anger – An abuse victim often struggles with intense anger at the person or people who abused them. They may also struggle with anger at people who suspected or knew about the abuse but didn’t intervene. A victim may also be angry at themselves and blame themselves for not stopping the abuse.
· Anxiety – Symptoms of anxiety include panic attacks, fear of strangers, and trouble sleeping.
· Depression – Abuse victims often have a hard time enjoying things they used to enjoy, particularly if the activity reminds them of the person who abused them. They may struggle with feelings of emptiness and sadness.
· Post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) – Many abuse victims suffer from PTSD, struggling with flashbacks, nightmares, and hypervigilance.
· Shame – It is far too common for abuse victims to feel guilt or shame about the abuse, often blaming themselves or feeling as if they deserved the abuse that was inflicted on them.

If you have been a victim of abuse, contact Lindsey Hoskins & Associates to meet with a dedicated Tysons Corner VA therapist and begin your journey of taking control of your life back.

A therapist in Tysons Corner, VA from Lindsey Hoskins & Associates is aware of the many ways that couples may go through hard times. For those who have attended couples counseling already, most of them would say that it really worked for them, regardless of the outcome. Couples therapy is a great way to address problems in your relationship that you are struggling to deal with together. Issues such as infidelity, fertility, miscommunication, intimacy, and so much more can be talked about in a safe and non-judgemental space.

It isn’t uncommon for people to have questions about couples therapy, and whether they should try it. Consider the following Q&A to see if scheduling a session with us at Lindsey Hoskins & Associates could be good idea for your relationship:

Can someone who is not in my relationship actually help us?

This is a valid question, however, many couples who have been in a relationship for quite some time usually habitualize to certain patterns without realizing it. A third party who is neutral and there to support you both, not take sides or blame, can help you understand what is going on in your relationship.

If we can’t find a solution to our problems, are we meant for each other?
Relationships can be a wonderful and nourishing experience. But, they are also emotional and sometimes couples trigger the other in their interactions instead of using rational thoughts. The presence of an unbiased third party to help each of you see your dynamic in a less emotionally-charged way, can allow you to begin working through the tough issues.

There are times when couples decide to move on despite going to therapy, and find that the counseling sessions helped them realize it was time and the grieving process had less anger and resentment because of it. Separating with support from a VA therapist in Tysons Corner can promote inner healing, where hopefully both people can feel at peace with the outcome.

If I have family and friends to talk to, is therapy still needed?

Most people discuss their romantic relationship with close loved ones, such as friends and family. But, couples therapists have probably helped hundreds of couples, each of them unique, but often with similar challenges. Having a therapist to talk to allows you to discuss topics that may upset your relatives or friends. Furthermore, a therapist is unbiased since they are removed from your life, which can help each partner be more honest and open.

It can sometimes be difficult for people to decide that they need to go to therapy. Going to therapy is sometimes a taboo topic, but it should not be. The experienced therapists at Lindsey Hoskins & Associates understand this and will help you feel comfortable and at ease when scheduling your first appointment. We will always take each appointment at your own pace and deal with matters in a way that makes you feel the most comfortable. Reach out to a therapist in Tysons Corner Virginia, like one from Lindsey Hoskins & Associates, today to learn more about how therapy may be helpful to you.

Couples Counseling
Marriage and relationships can be difficult. It becomes much easier to resolve problems for good when you have an unbiased third party. If you and your partner find yourselves thinking it is difficult to see eye to eye, you may want to try going to therapy together. This can be a great way to learn how to resolve conflicts on your own and find resolution, rather than merely putting a bandaid on the problem.

Individual Therapy
Going to therapy on your own is honestly great for anyone. Every single person can gain something from seeing a therapist at some point in their lives. Whether you are dealing with depression, anxiety, or negative emotions, or you are dealing with some life changes, therapy can be beneficial to you. Reach out to an experienced therapist in Tysons Corner, VA from Lindsey Hoskins & Associates to see what kind of therapy could be useful for you. Even if you are feeling confident and secure, a therapist may be able to help you make big decisions and learn more about yourself. People are always changing and growing, so it can always be a good way to learn more about yourself.

Therapy for Children
Sometimes, even children need therapy. Whether they have been through some sort of trauma — such as abuse, being in a severe accident, or getting sick with something life changing — therapy can be a useful tool to learn how to deal with problems. It is never too early to allow a child to speak with a therapist. Therapists will likely not use the same approach with adults that they will with children. There may be toys, artwork, or other things involved in a therapy session with a child. It is also good to raise children knowing that it is always important to ask for help when they need it. This will allow them to grow up and be a secure, well rounded adult.

A divorce is a painful process, but unfortunately, many couples are quick to file all the paperwork and never see each other again. You may have already read the statistics about how many couples in the United States get divorced, but you shouldn’t let it cloud your judgment. Many couples are able to push past their differences and make things work, and a therapist in Tysons Corner, VA can help.

If you suspect a divorce may be coming, you have two options: Just let it happen, or commit to your relationship and put in extra effort to make your marriage work. But before you make a decision, you need to understand the true cost of a divorce, and you need to understand the real warning signs of an impending divorce. Read on to learn more about how a divorce can affect you, and see how a therapist from Lindsey Hoskins & Associates can do for you.

What is the True Cost of a Divorce?

It’s no secret that a divorce is costly and painful. When a divorce finally happens, your family life will be shattered. You won’t be able to see your children as often as you’d like, and you won’t be able to share the same home you’ve built together. If you and your partner decide to part ways, there’s no guarantee everyone will be adults about the situation. Your ex might try to take everything from you, or you might try to take everything from your ex.

A divorce should be a last resort. It’s not as simple as signing a few documents – it goes much deeper. If you and your partner decide to get divorced, you risk alienating yourselves amongst your social circle, and creating an unstable and unpredictable future for your children.

What are the Warning Signs?

It’s rare for a divorce to come out of nowhere. There are oftentimes warning signs that are overlooked, and it’s important to be aware of these signs so you can be proactive and take the right course of action. If you and your spouse have been experiencing more than just a few rocky patches, you should be on the lookout for some of the following:

Stonewalling: Having arguments is normal. Having too many arguments can be problematic. But having no arguments at all when you both feel unhappy with each other can be a major red flag. If neither of you are committed to communicating, things will only get worse. And if they get worse, your relationship gets closer and closer to a divorce.

Lack of intimacy: You don’t have to be intimate all the time, but if you’re realizing a sudden dropoff in physical contact, there might be issues brewing under the surface. People’s sex drives change as they get older, but if you feel a certain spark has been lost, it’s important to see what you can do to rekindle your relationship.

Contempt: Feeling contempt or disgust towards your partner (or being the target of your partner’s contempt or disgust) is one of the worst signs that a relationship is on the rocks. Contempt signifies a lack of respect, and disgust signifies an intolerance to even being in the same house as each other. It’s difficult to come back from feelings of contempt, and it’s more important than ever to reach out to a therapist who can help.

How Can a Therapist Help Me?

Divorce should be a last resort. Before you and your spouse decide to get a divorce, you should try to work together and save your relationship. A therapist can help toy communicate together, and with the help of Lindsey Hoskins & Associates, you and your spouse can find common ground and begin to heal.

Therapist Tysons Corner VA

As a therapist in Tysons Corner, VA from Lindsey Hoskins & Associates has seen before, therapy can be helpful for those who are dealing with mental health issues or going through a particularly hard time in life. But how do you know whether now is the time to get help or not? If you’re asking yourself this question, then chances are you are ready to benefit from therapy. It may be time to see a therapist if any of the following are true:

-You are struggling to maintain relationships and friendships
-You are finding yourself unable to care for yourself or others
-You have experienced an increase in mental health symptoms (anxiety, depression, poor sleep, worry, panic, etc.)
-You have suddenly become less productive or successful at work or school
-Your appetite has drastically changed (eating more, or less)

People attend therapy for many reasons, whether they have a mental health diagnosis or not. Therapy can help people gain more confidence in themselves, improve how they see the world, and enhance personal relationships.

Does going to therapy mean I’ve failed?

There is no shame in going to therapy. Those who have the courage to seek out help from a therapist in Tysons Corner, Virginia should see this as a success, especially since it can be difficult to reach out when caught up in depressive feelings and apathy. Therapy can help you deal with what you are going through, boosting your overall wellness and state of mind.

What if I don’t care much about anything?

When mental health starts to really bring us down, we may stop caring about everything around us and feel easily agitated. In fact, this is common for those suffering from depression. It is imperative that you get help if you think you are depressed, as if left untreated, it can turn into suicidal thoughts, self harm, or attempts of suicide.

Could old trauma be causing issues now?

Overcoming trauma from the past is not an easy thing to do, and a person should always seek the safety of a licensed therapy to guide them. Working through trauma alone can be too overwhelming, which is why many people try to avoid it. But unfortunately, old trauma can taint the way we view things, our romantic relationships, and how we respond to stressful situations. By recovering from traumatic events, we can live more joyously and authentically.

Contact Lindsey Hoskins & Associates

At our clinic, we have helped numerous people overcome some of the most terrible and difficult things that any person can go through. Life can be equally hard at times as it can be blissful. When we aren’t feeling at our best, a therapist can help us reset and become the best versions of ourselves that we want to be. For support from a compassionate VA therapist in Tysons Corner, contact Lindsey Hoskins & Associates today!